
Here is a list of all the crops we currently support. The most common are "corn" and "soybeans".

Crop String
"edible beans"
"navy beans"
"grass seeds"
"black eyed peas"
"field peas"
"yellow popcorn"
"white popcorn"
"rice long"
"rice medium"
"sunflower oil"
"sunflower stripe"
"durum wheat"
"hard red spring wheat"
"hard red winter wheat"
"soft red winter wheat"
"white wheat"
"european spring barley"
"european winter barley"
"european barley 6"
"european corn"
"european oats"
"european peas"
"european popcorn"
"rapeseed e ind"
"european rye"
"sunflower e ind"
"sunflower e oil"
"european triticale"
"european wheat feed"
"european wheat wtr"
"rapeseed e oil"
"belgian endive"
"broad beans"
"brussels sprouts"
"cabbage lettuce"
"caraway seed"
"castor beans"
"chinese cabbage"
"corn silage"
"corn cob mix"
"corn salad"
"digitalis lanate"
"elephant grass"
"english rye grass"
"evening primrose"
"field meadow grass"
"fodder beet"
"french beans"
"grain maize"
"grass forage"
"green cabbage"
"green peas"
"hard fescue grass"
"haricot beans"
"headed cabbage"
"iceberg salad"
"italian rye grass"
"jerusalem artichoke"
"marowfat peas"
"poppy seed"
"sweet potatoes"
"potatoes for chips"
"potatoes for retail"
"potatoes for starch"
"red beet"
"red cabbage"
"red fescue grass"
"red kidney beans"
"savoy cabbage"
"seed potatoes"
"silver onions"
"spear grass"
"stubbel tuber"
"sugar cane"
"sugar corn"
"tankard turnip"
"tick beans"
"tuber fennel"
"turnip cabbage"
"turnip rooted celery"
"white beans"
"white cabbage"
"wood carrot"
"set aside"
"melons tree"
"green beans"
"lima beans"
"sweet corn"
"canary seed"
"boot stage wcs"
"energy cane"
"mung bean"
"canola polish"
"mustard gisilba"
"lentil crimson"
"lentil eston"
"lentil chilean"
"lentil laird"
"pea trapper"
"unspecified crop"
"downy bromegrass"
"smooth bromegrass"
"reed canary grass"
"tall fescue"
"timothy grass"
"bermuda grass"
"grass clover"
"grass alfalfa"
"forage mix"